The garden will be on the Wild Ones Prairie Edge fundraiser tour this summer, on August 13. First time on the “big” tour. So it will be another busy season of preparation, but it’s good motivation and something to look forward to. I’ve already gotten requests about what’s become my popular garden social (just a casual open house to celebrate the garden) so I’m thinking we’ll do that again near the end of July. I always enjoy having people over and hopefully it gives them some knowledge and inspiration to create their own wildlife garden.
Garden Tour/Social 2016!
We’ve scheduled it for the last weekend in July. It’s very informal, just hang out, see what’s going on in the garden and check out what’s new. I have a lot of information to share about all the things we’ve done such as landscaping services, native plant nurseries, things that have gone well (and not so well), future plans and projects, before and after photos, etc. Details are below in the flyer (yes those photos are all from the garden.) Click the image to download a PDF. I planned a break each day between 12:00-3:00 for lunch and to avoid the heat (but I’ll be around if anyone needs to come then.)
First day of summer
The front yard has really changed over the last few years. Our red oak had to be cut down due to a sudden case of oak wilt. It’s much more open there now, and we had Ecoscapes Sustainable Landscaping install a new garden bed while they were working on the water feature. Recently I realized that it might be good habitat for bluebirds, so I put up a box last weekend. Less than 24 hours later, we had a bluebird pair building a nest in the front yard. There was a pair which had built a nest in one of the back yard boxes but they never laid eggs. Right now we have a just-completed nest in the front box, waiting on eggs, and it will be interesting to see if/how that location works for them. In the back yard we currently have house wrens nesting in one of the bluebird boxes. They are very disapproving of my presence anywhere in the yard, and are constantly scolding me everywhere I go. Earlier in the spring chickadees successfully nested in the Gilbertson PVC box I put under the pine trees a few years ago. Last year the nest failed due to house wrens throwing out the eggs, so this year I made sure to get a wren guard up right away. There were 8 eggs, one didn’t hatch and I removed it. In the photo I see 6 chicks so I’m not sure if the 7th didn’t hatch or if the chick just isn’t visible. They fledged last monnth and the family still comes in for mealworms when I put them out.
Next update… our 2016 garden tour is scheduled for the last weekend in July!
Behold mighty OVERLOOK FALLS!!
The water feature installation was completed a couple of weeks ago by Ecoscapes Sustainable Landscaping. It’s a Savio 13′ Pond Free Waterfall kit. Then we had an electrician come out and run electrical service from the house out to that area of the yard (which was no small feat.) The water feature itself is shallow and so doesn’t present a safety problem, but we did have to have the city come out and inspect the electrical work.
Someone on Facebook said I needed a better name than “water feature” so I decided to call it Overlook Falls.So far we haven’t had any unusual visitors. Just the regular residents of the yard. I’ve seen several birds taking baths and drinks, and lots of squirrels.
Peak warbler migration is in early May, so hopefully they will flock to Overlook Falls as they come through. The falls make a nice sound and so birds should be attracted to that, as well as the sight of moving water.
I set up a trail camera because I was curious what might be visiting when I’m not around, especially at night. It’s not really sensitive to pick up birds, but it does get squirrels and I’ve seen raccoons are visiting. Maybe we’ll see a fox or coyote sometime.
Right now the area looks a little bare, as it’s a little too early to start planting. So I look forward to adding some plants and playing around with design over the coming months.
Upcoming garden projects!
I’m very excited that we’ll be adding a water feature to our garden this year, in time for spring migration! I’ve had a bird bath out for several years, but have always wanted something more substantial than that.
Not having any experience with water features, I wasn’t really sure what would work for us and where a good location in the yard would be.Last year we cut out 650 sq ft of lawn with the thought of planting a new garden bed there. Later on, after admiring the waterfall garden at Wood Lake Nature Center, it ocurred to me that this might be a good spot for a pondless stream/waterfall. It’s on a slope and is a pretty good sized area. Rather than just having another big wall of plants, this will give it more visual interest as well as really complete our wildlife habitat. Moving water is a real bird magnet, and should attract species that wouldn’t come to feeders, especially during migration.
After the lawn was cut out, I quickly filled it in with compost and then mulched it. Along the fence I planted some shrubs (snowberry and dogwood). I put up a wood duck box, since my neighbor has one and gets wood ducks, but his box isn’t well protected from predators. Then I added a small walking path, and later put out some ground level bird baths to see if any birds would be interested.
In the front, we’re going to add a new garden bed where the red oak used to be (cut down due to oak wilt.) And we decided we’ll plant a new tree, a bur oak this time. It will be more toward the middle of the yard because the city requires a new tree to be planted 15′ back from the curb. Bur oaks grow slowly, but have a lot of wildlife value and are more resistent to oak wilt.
Other projects I have planned include painting our shed, and adding a new path so parts of the garden are more accessible. And of course I plan to spend a lot of time enjoying our new water feature! We will have another garden tour/social in July so stay tuned….
Garden Tour
I haven’t posted much lately, basically I’ve spent every moment of free time working in the garden! We’ve accomplished a lot and I’m excited to host a garden tour next month to share it with others. I’ll have plenty of information materials and photos to help explain how this garden has evolved, and hopefully inspire others to garden with native plants. UPDATE: The garden tour was a huge success, and we’ll be doing it again next year!
Summer wrap up
Back at home, we had a pretty good summer. I attended a Wild Ones garden tour and got to see some other native plant gardens in the area, which was really cool. It’s interesting to see all the different things that people are doing in their yard. Some people are very experienced gardeners and you can really tell by how well planned things are. Others are like me, someone who doesn’t come from any gardening background, and just goes outside and starts digging. A few people from Wild Ones came over and visited our yard, and I got some really good compliments and feedback. They are always looking for new gardens to showcase so it sounds like we will be on the tour next summer!
It’s really motivated me to work on some things that I’ve been meaning to. For example in the front yard, on the SW corner by the street, I finally got some planting done there. Several years ago in that spot, I got rid of an old neglected (hideous) brick garden bed that was full of buckthorn. Last year we had Ecoscapes create a new garden bed as part of the front yard work they did, and add some rocks, but otherwise we left it empty. This area gets partial sun during the day. Now I’ve got some gray dogwood, wild geranium, fragrant hyssop, bottle brush grass, prairie pussytoes, aster, goldenrod, etc. I also put up a Monarch Watch sign because I want to highlight our efforts to anyone passing by. It’s worked because I’ve gotten several comments and compliments from neighbors who have seen it. I plan to include the neighborhood in our garden tour next year. In the back I’ve cleared out all of the buckthorn around the pine tree area, and started a path through there as well as planted a few things that will grow under those trees like common ninebark, American bladdernut, and bear berry. There are some additional things I’d like to plant but that will be an ongoing process. I wanted to plant some gooseberry but the folks at Out Back Nursery told me that it can carry pine rust which would be bad for our white pines.We didn’t have anything too unusual in the yard as far as birds, but we did have a lot of fun watching a family of four pileated woodpeckers coming to the feeders. It was an adult pair and a juvenile male and female. There were times when all of them would be out there in the bur oak tree, and the parents would go to the suet feeder and then take it back to their fledglings. I sat outside sometimes and watched them. It was interesting to hear the begging noises that the juveniles would make and watch their behavior.
With all the rain through the spring and early summer, we of course had a lot of mosquitos and consequently, many damselflies and dragonflies. Recently with the weather becoming cooler, there have been fewer of them but I caught this one snoozing on the false indigo in the garden the other day. I was able to put my phone right next ot it and get a photo. A knowledgable person told me that this is a wandering glider. They are our most plentiful species of dragonfly, are found on every continent except Antarctica, and have the longest migration of any insect (twice as long as the monarch butterfly.) One reason I enjoy having a native wildlife garden is that it gives me such great opportunities to learn things I wouldn’t have otherwise known about!Also we had a lot of butterflies in the garden over the summer. Many tiger swallowtails and monarchs. I found 3 monarch caterpillars on our butterfly weed, and I found some at work that I brought home. I raised them and successfully released 5 in the garden! That was a first for me, a fun process and I learned a lot. I kept them in a cage outside so they would have natural light and temp/humidity. When they emerged I’d leave the door open and let them leave on their own. We have plenty of Joe Pye weed, cup plant and aster for them to nectar on. Also many monarchs moving through, I counted 16 in the garden at one time!
A few other cool things that have happened more recently as we transition to fall. I’ve seen a ton of baby toads in the yard over the last month or so. Also this past weekend we were cleaning out the gutters (full of leaves from the ash tree) and I found a tree frog in the gutter. I took it down and put it in the garden and then turned on the sprinkler since it’s been dry lately. While the sprinkler was running I watched a mourning dove, a goldfinch and a chipping sparrow take baths, which was really cute. Also the same day I was out grilling on the patio and a white-line sphynx moth made an appearance. It was only the second time I’ve seen one, and they are noticably larger than the clear wing hummingbird moth. It was about the same size as an actual hummingbird, and very difficult to follow it with the camera. But I did manage to get one photo of it, on flowers between the patio and deck.
Lastly, at work there have been crazy numbers of woolly bear caterpillars. I’ve seen them over the years in the past but never really thought too much about them. We have walking trails at work, and they are crossing the trails, curbs, and parking lots. I always try to move them so they aren’t stepped on or run over. Since there are so many and they have really caught my attention, I started reading up on them and learned that they will overwinter in caterpillar form, and are looking for a place to burrow under leaf litter.
We leave our garden up all winter and let the leaves remain in the garden where they fall, so I decided to start taking some of them home and release them. Next spring they will emerge as a yellow moth called the Isabella tiger moth. I’ve become quite attached to them, they are cute and I’ve probably taken a couple dozen of them home (my coworkers think I have a problem…)
Fence is complete, garden is popping with color
We wanted privacy along the north side of the property, but didn’t need it along the back part, since the lot is deep and we have the garden providing its own natural privacy. Also we didn’t want to cast additional shade on the garden back there. So we went with 6 foot California chain link (same height as the wood privacy), which is chain link attached to wooden posts instead of metal. It was something that the fencing company suggested when I explained what we were trying to accomplish. It turned out to be the perfect solution.
There is a utility easment along the back edge of the property. It is our property that we are responsible for, but we had to keep fence off of it so that it doesn’t prevent access for utility workers. We made sure to measure everything and also had a gate installed so that we can get back there and maintain the area.
The property line ends at the telephone pole, so the next photo (looking south along the east property line) shows how the fence is set back from that. I insisted on a 6 foot wide double gate, just to make sure that we had plenty of room to maneuver in that area if needed.The nice thing about the California chain link is that it really doesn’t detract from the look of the garden. It actually blends in quite well, but gives a better sense of definition around that part of the yard. Also I think it looks better for the neighbors adjacent to the back of the property.
Even though we have a native garden, that is left somewhat on its own the further we get away from the house, I still want it to look like it’s well-managed. It wouldn’t be a good example for others to appreciate native plants, if it were just an ugly bunch of weeds and grass left to go wild. I try to be mindful of that and give the neighbors a good impression of our native garden, that we are doing all this with a purpose and are keeping up with it. Here’s a view from inside the fence, at the back part of the garden looking toward the gate.Things got off to a slow start in the garden with the long winter we had, but now most of the wildflowers are in full bloom. We have plenty of bees, dragonflies and are seeing monarch butterflies.
Right now we have Joe Pye weed (a great nectar source for butterflies), wild bergamot (visited by bumblebees and hummingbird moths), various types of milkweed, Culvers root, black-eyed Susan, coneflower, cup plant and royal catchfly all providing a lot of color.
As for birds, we have many juvenile woodpeckers, including a mother-son pileated woodpecker pair that comes to the feeder often. It’s fun to watch her go to the suet feeder, grab a beak full and take it over to him. A neighbor told me about a hawk that took a chipmunk, so I assume that was a broad winged hawk since I hear them often when I’m out in the yard. I haven’t seen many hummingbirds, but it won’t be long before we start seeing males moving through on their migration back south. Lately we’ve had a lot of baby toads hopping around, so hopefully they are enjoying the garden too.
In this next photo we are looking east from the patio. The neighbor on our south side has had a privacy fence for a long time, seen on the right side of the photo. We didn’t completely enclose our yard with the fence like theirs (we left it unfenced on the east side, by the front of the house.)
Lastly, below we have a wider view from the patio, showing the small garden between the patio and deck. We have a bird bath (heated in winter) that gets regular use. Far off in the back is the California chain link, with the wooden frame visible in this view. We also have a mulch path around the edge of the garden, and we plan to continue reducing the amount of grass by replacing with more flowers toward the back,behind the bluebird box. We’ve accomplished a lot in the yard this summer!
Progress in the yard
This next photo shows where the fence has to come over off of the property line in order to accommodate the utility easement. Imagine this spot completely obscured by buckthorn. The California chain link will start here and then continue along the back side of the property. It uses the same cedar posts as the wood privacy, but will be filled in with black vinyl coated chain link.
We also have a utility easment on the south side, so we had to make sure the fence was set back far enough. Another easement at the north east corner required us to have the fence go through an area of pine trees. There is a large area of white pine and spruce trees that was completely filled in with buckthorn, which I have gradually been tackling for several years. This fence project gave me the motivation to finally finish clearing all that out. It was quite a bit of work but I’m officially declaring our yard buckthorn free after 9 years of effort!
This area of pine and spruce used to be an impenetrable wall of invasive understory plants, including buckthorn, exotic honeysuckle shrubs, and white mulberry. While it provided somewhat of a living privacy fence, it certainly wasn’t my desired way of having privacy. I first tackled all of the buckthorn that had berries, and disposed of that. Then I gradually cut down and pulled much of it over the next few years. But after measuring the easment, I realized I would have to get rid of the remainder so the fence could go through there. Good motivation for finally taking care of that! I made extensive use of my weed wrench to pull out most of it, and then used the chainsaw to cut down larger shrubs and small rogue maple trees. We wil replace that with native understory plants, such as the highbush cranberry that I have already planted.
The compost bin is at the southeast side of the pine tree area. This used to be surrounded by invasive honeysuckle which I have been meaning to cut down for quite a while. I did leave up a small dead snag that shoudl make a good perch for birds. I’d like to plant some native shrubs like common ninebark and gray dogwood here.
Continuing east along the back edge of the lot, we will have a gate between where the compost bin sits and the back section of the garden. This will allow us access to the easement, which is still on our property and we have to maintain. I think the neighbors behind us will be happy that all the buckthorn is finally gone, and the fence should look pretty nice back there. The posts were just installed two days ago, and the cement needs to cure and then they will be back out to finish it out. We’ve been very happy so far with the work that Town & Country Fence has done. Really looking forward to seeing the end result and enjoying our new private back yard!
First new yard bird of 2014
It was late afternoon and I noticed our resident songbirds were completely frozen in place on the feeders. Normally what that means is there must be a hawk around (Cooper’s or sharp-shinned.) I kept an eye out, looking for it out of the back patio door. Suddenly I saw something land in our maple tree and immediately thought kestrel, and quickly dismissed it because we don’t have those around here.
Looked again and confirmed that’s what it was, and got some good looks with the binoculars. It flew to a couple of different perches in the yard before leaving. Since there are no insects around, it was either hunting birds or maybe looking for a mouse. The only prey I noticed was a downy woodpecker and several mourning doves.We are just on the northern edge of the kestrel’s winter range. I have seen them during the winter closer to the Rochester area and as far north as Cannon Falls. Now that spring is around the corner, they must be moving through. Hopefully he’s finding enough to eat in spite of the continued snow cover. Keep an eye out for kestrels in the warmer months, around open areas like cornfields. They can be seen perched on wires, or sometimes hovering stationary in the air, looking for prey below.
A few years ago there was a kestrel hanging out at Target field that would capture and eat moths flying around the stadium lights. He was on TV and there was some pretty cool video of him, shown during a Twins game.